7. Improving Party and state oversight systems
增强党自我净化能力,根本靠强化党的自我监督和群众监督。要加强对权力运行的制约和监督,让人民监督权力,让权力在阳光下运行,把权力关进制度的笼子。强化自上而下的组织监督,改进自下而上的民主监督,发挥同级相互监督作用, 加强对党员领导干部的日常管理监督。深化政治巡视,坚持发现问题、形成震慑不动摇,建立巡视巡察上下联动的监督网。深化国家监察体制改革,将试点工作在全国推开,组建国家、省、市、县监察委员会,同党的纪律检查机关合署办公, 实现对所有行使公权力的公职人员监察全覆盖。制定国家监察法,依法赋予监察委员会职责权限和调查手段,用留置取代“两规”措施。改革审计管理体制,完善统计体制。构建党统一指挥、全面覆盖、权威高效的监督体系,把党内监督同国家机关监督、民主监督、司法监督、群众监督、舆论监督贯通起来,增强监督合力。
Toimprove the Party’s ability to purify itself, it is essential that we strengthen Party self-supervision and subject ourselves to public oversight. We must strengthen checks on and oversight over the exercise of power, and ensure that power is exercised under public oversight, in broad daylight, and in an institutional cage. We will strengthen top-down organizational oversight, improve bottom-up democratic oversight, practice peer oversight, and tighten regular supervision over Party members in positions of leadership. We will intensify political inspection to identify problems and ensure that deterrence works; we will establish an oversight network that facilitates coordination in disciplinary inspections conducted at different levels. We will deepen reform of the national supervision system, conduct trials throughout the country, and establish supervisory commissions at the national, provincial, city, and county levels, which share offices and work together with the Party's disciplinary inspection commissions. This will ensure that supervision covers everyone in the public sector who exercises public power. A national supervision law will be formulated. Supervisory commissions will be given responsibilities, powers, and means of investigation in accordance with law. The practice ofShuanggui will be replaced by detention. We will reform the auditing management system and improve the statistics system. We will establish an authoritative, efficient oversight system with complete coverage under the Party's unified command; and integrate intraparty oversight with oversight by state organs, democratic oversight, judicial oversight, public oversight, and oversight through public opinion. All this will create a powerful synergy for conducting oversight.
8. Strengthening every dimension of our ability for governance
To lead a large socialist country of more than 1.3 billion people, our Party must be both politically strong and highly competent.
要增强学习本领,在全党营造善于学习、勇于实践的浓厚氛围,建设马克思主义学习型政党,推动建设学习大国。增强政治领导本领,坚持战略思维、创新思维、辩证思维、法治思维、底线思维,科学制定和坚决执行党的路线方针政策,把党总揽全局、协调各方落到实处。增强改革创新本领,保持锐意进取的精神风貌, 善于结合实际创造性推动工作,善于运用互联网技术和信息化手段开展工作。增强科学发展本领,善于贯彻新发展理念,不断开创发展新局面。增强依法执政本领,加快形成覆盖党的领导和党的建设各方面的党内法规制度体系,加强和改善对国家政权机关的领导。增强群众工作本领,创新群众工作体制机制和方式方法, 推动工会、共青团、妇联等群团组织增强政治性、先进性、群众性,发挥联系群众的桥梁纽带作用,组织动员广大人民群众坚定不移跟党走。增强狠抓落实本领,坚持说实话、谋实事、出实招、求实效,把雷厉风行和久久为功有机结合起来, 勇于攻坚克难,以钉钉子精神做实做细做好各项工作。增强驾驭风险本领,健全各方面风险防控机制,善于处理各种复杂矛盾,勇于战胜前进道路上的各种艰难险阻,牢牢把握工作主动权。
Weshould be good at learning. We will foster a strong atmosphere of learning and practicing in the Party, and build our Party into a Marxist learning party. We will nurture a love of learning in our people. We should be good at exercising political leadership. We should have strategic perspectives, develop creative thinking and a dialectical approach to thinking; we should think in terms of the rule of law, and think about worst-case scenarios. We should formulate sound Party lines, principles, and policies and resolutely implement them, ensuring that the Party exercises overall leadership and coordinates work in all areas. We should be good reformers and pioneers. We should be enterprising, work creatively in light of actual conditions, and adeptly apply information technology, including the internet, in our work. We should be good at promoting sound development. We should effectively put into practice the new development philosophy, and continue to break new ground in development. We should be good at exercising law-based governance. We will act more quickly to put in place a system of Party rules and regulations that covers all aspects of Party leadership and Party building, and strengthen and improve Party leadership over bodies of state power.
We should be good at engaging with the people. We will develop new systems, mechanisms, ways, and means for this work. We will urge trade unions, Chinese Communist Youth League organizations, women's federations, and other people's organizations to strengthen their political consciousness, become more advanced, and better represent the people; to play their role as bridges linking the Party with the people; and to organize and motivate the people to follow the Party. We should be good at implementing policy. We should be open and frank, take effective measures to address real issues, and seek good outcomes. We should be ready both to act resolutely and swiftly and to make sustained efforts to tackle tough issues head-on. We should have the perseverance to hammer away until a task is done, and make concrete, meticulous, and effective efforts in all our work. We should be good at managing risks. We will improve risk prevention and control mechanisms in all areas, skillfully handle various complex issues, overcome all difficulties and obstacles that we meet on our way, and keep a firm hold on the initiative in our work.
A great cause calls for leadership of a strong party. As long as our Party keeps itself competent and strong, always remains true to the people’s aspiration and works inconcert with the people, we can and will navigate the great ship bearing the great dream of the Chinese people to conquer the waves and reach our destination.
中华民族是历经磨难、不屈不挠的伟大民族,中国人民是勤劳勇敢、自强不息的伟大人民,中国共产党是敢于斗争、敢于胜利的伟大政党。历史车轮滚滚向前, 时代潮流浩浩荡荡。历史只会眷顾坚定者、奋进者、搏击者,而不会等待犹豫者、懈怠者、畏难者。全党一定要保持艰苦奋斗、戒骄戒躁的作风,以时不我待、只争朝夕的精神,奋力走好新时代的长征路。全党一定要自觉维护党的团结统一, 保持党同人民群众的血肉联系,巩固全国各族人民大团结,加强海内外中华儿女大团结,团结一切可以团结的力量,齐心协力走向中华民族伟大复兴的光明前景。
Chinese nation is a great nation; it has been through hardships and adversity
but remains indomitable. The Chinese people are a great people; they are
industrious and brave; and they never pause in the pursuit of progress. The
Communist Party of China is a great party; it has the courage to fight and the
mettle to win. The wheels of history roll on; the tides of the times are vast
and mighty. History looks kindly on
those with resolve, with drive and ambition, and with plenty of guts; it won't
wait for the hesitant, the apathetic, or those shy of a challenge. All of us in
the Party must work hard and live simply, guard
against arrogance and impetuosity; and lose no time in progressing along the
long march of the new era. We must
conscientiously safeguard the solidarity and unity of the Party, maintain the Party's deep bond with
the people, and strengthen the great unity of the Chinese people of all ethnic
groups and the great unity of all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation
at home and abroad. We must unite
all the forces that can be united and work as one to progress toward the
brilliant future of national rejuvenation.
nation will prosper only when its young people thrive; a country will be full
of hope and have a great tomorrow only when its younger generations have
ideals, ability, and a strong sense of responsibility. The Chinese Dream is a
dream about history, the present, and the future. It is a dream of our
generation, but even more so, a dream of the younger generations. The Chinese
Dream of national rejuvenation will be realized ultimately through the
endeavors of young people, generation by generation. All of us in the Party
should care about young people and set the stage for them to excel. To all our
young people, you should have firm ideals and convictions, aim high, and have
your feet firmly on the ground. You should ride the waves of your day; and in
the course of realizing the Chinese Dream, fulfill your youthful dreams, and write
a vivid chapter in your
tireless endeavors to serve the interests of the people.
大道之行,天下为公。站立在九百六十多万平方公里的广袤土地上,吸吮着五千 多年中华民族漫长奋斗积累的文化养分,拥有十三亿多中国人民聚合的磅礴之力, 我们走中国特色社会主义道路,具有无比广阔的时代舞台,具有无比深厚的历史 底蕴,具有无比强大的前进定力。全党全国各族人民要紧密团结在党中央周围, 高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,锐意进取,埋头苦干,为实现推进现代化建设、 完成祖国统一、维护世界和平与促进共同发展三大历史任务,为决胜全面建成小 康社会、夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国 梦、实现人民对美好生活的向往继续奋斗!
A just cause
should be pursued for the common good. Rooted in a land of more than 9.6 million square
kilometers, nourished by a nation's culture of more than 5,000 years, and
backed by the invincible force of more than 1.3 billion people, we have an
infinitely vast stage of our era, a historical heritage of unmatched depth, and
incomparable resolve that enable us to forge ahead on the road of socialism with
Chinese characteristics. We, the entire Party and the Chinese people of all
ethnic groups, should rally closely around the Party Central Committee, and
hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We should keep
on working with great determination to accomplish the three historic tasks of
advancing modernization, realizing China’s reunification, and preserving world
peace and promoting common development; we should secure a decisive victory in
finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects,
strive for the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a
new era, realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, and see that our
people realize their aspirations for a better life.